MSM4J is developed in Java and is entirely managed by Maven both for compilation and testing. Below you have a quick reference on how to compile it.
To compile the project simply do:
mvn clean install
Starting from version 1.2.0 the dependency to the test collection should be automatically resolved by maven. If you are dealing with an earlier version of MSM4J you will have to obtain and install the test collection on your own. Just grab the jar from the SWS test collections project site and install it within your local maven repository. Once you have this locally you will be able to ensure that all the tests of MSM4J can run. Indeed, if you wish to skip these tests you can always use '-DskipTests=true' when compiling.
The source code of MSM4J also includes this documentation so you may keep it handy locally. To generate it:
mvn site:site
To view the resulting documentation:
mvn site:run
The documentation will be available at http://localhost:10000