iServe is largely developed in Java and is entirely managed by Maven both for compilation and testing. Below you have a quick reference on how to compile it.
iServe can be configured through several configuration properties like the SPARQL endpoint to use. More information on iServe configuration properties. iServe comes preconfigured to be served on http://localhost:9090/iserve with a set of default properties that link it to a local Sesame compliant RDF Store.
Indeed this may not suit your particular setup and we therefore provide you means to adapt this configuration accordingly.
You may either point to your own configuration file by using a JVM system property to point to your configuration file: ```-Diserve.config=/path/to/your/```
You can take the file on ```/conf/``` as a reference to be fine tuned.
For convenience this file provides a setup such that each and every property can be specified through JVM system properties. See for more details.
The first time run the entire compilation without execution any tests to ensure everything is compiled and installed. Testing takes a bit of time and some tests still depend on the capabilities of the backend (e.g., reasoning support), so it is best to first ensure that everything runs fine.
mvn -DskipTests=true install
mvn clean install
This will run tests as well. In order to run these tests, however, iServe needs to access some files through HTTP. Until we automate this you will have to launch a simple Web server locally prior to testing.
Notably you should serve the sws-test-collections project over http at port 8000. Should you have Python installed you can do so easily as follows:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
The source code of iServe also includes this documentation so you may keep it handy locally. To generate it:
mvn site:site
To view the resulting documentation:
mvn site:run
The documentation will be available at http://localhost:10000