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Using iServe

iServe provides two main means for its integration, namely a direct Java API, and a RESTful interface.

Java API

Currenly access to iServe's functionality is provided through two main entry points depending on whether you want to interact with its CRUD interface to add services, documents, or ontologies, or with its matching interface if you want to discover services.

Should you wish to integrate iServe within a Maven project you may add the dependency as follows:


At moment we do not publish the jars in a public repository. You will have to compile and install it locally.

CRUD Interface

Access to the CRUD interface is obtained by means of iServeEngine facade. Therein you will get access to the main data managers in charge of services, documents, and ontologies. For convenience iServeEngine provides methods that take care of automatically transforming services prior to importing them, keeping all data managers synchronized, and when necessary, obtaining remote ontologies referred to by the imported services.

Creating an iServeEngine
iServeEngine engine = iServeEngineFactory.createEngine();
Importing Services
// Get Registry Manager
RegistryManager manager = engine.getRegistryManager();

InputStream in;
List<URI> servicesUris;
for (File ttlFile : msmTtlTcFiles) {
    in = new FileInputStream(ttlFile);
    servicesUris = manager.importServices(in, MediaType.TEXT_TURTLE.getMediaType());
Listing the Registered Services
List<URI> services = manager.getServiceManager().listServices();
Obtaining the Java Representation of a Service
URI svcUri = new URI("");
Service service = manager.getServiceManager().getService(svcUri);

The Matching Interface

iServe provides a Matching API that can be used programmatically from Java. Although, work is ongoing to provide a more advanced and richer API, you can already work with it within your applications. Should you wish to obtain a Matcher, you can simply do so by means of the This factory takes care of locating Matcher implementations by means of a plugin mechanism, and will automatically create the plugin of your choice at runtime. Currently, the code only provides a ConceptMatcher allowing you to find matches between concepts loaded in the server by relying directly on SPARQL queries. Further matches are under development and will be released incrementally.

Below you have an example on how you can create a Matcher.

ConceptMatcher matcher = MatchersFactory.createConceptMatcher(SparqlLogicConceptMatcher.class.getName());


In order to enable applications and extensions to react upon changes to the registry, iServe implements a simple notification mechanism based on Guava's EventBus. Applications can register for notifications simply by doing:


This will ensure than any change on the Services, Documents or Knowledge Base Managers get automatically reported. Processing the events is simply ensured by implementing a method that takes the event we are interested in as sole argument. The method should be annotated with @Subscribe. See package for the list of events supported.

An example on how such a subscription method should be implemented is listed next.

public void handleOntologyCreatedEvent(OntologyCreatedEvent event) {
    // Code handling the event...

RESTful Interface

iServe provides a RESTful interface offering remote access to its functionality. iServe's Web Application comes with an embedded interactive documentation of the RESTful API offered it can be found at:


See for example the documentation of the current main public deployment of iServe.